

‘Domestication Rewilded: a framework in eight dimensions for parsing domestication concepts across disciplines’ (conference talk), Josh Evans, on panel ‘Unfinished Business and Untold Stories: Digging into the Complexity of “Animal Domestication”’, Society for American Archaeology Conference, Denver, USA, 23-27 Apr 2025.


‘Flavour, Sustainability and Transdisciplinarity’ (invited talk), Josh Evans, L’Institut Paul Bocuse, Lyon, FR, 17 Oct 2024.

‘Holobiont Hand Taste: a transdisciplinary invitation’ (invited talk), Josh Evans, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, CZ, 7 Oct 2024.

‘A transdisciplinary exploration of koku sensation in Japanese culture’ (poster), Nabila Rodríguez Valéron, International Society for Gastronomic Sciences and Studies (ISGSS) Congress, Bra & Turin, IT, 26-28 Sep 2024.

‘What can ethnography offer the gastronomic sciences?’ (conference talk), Taeko Hamada, International Society for Gastronomic Sciences and Studies (ISGSS) Congress, Bra & Turin, IT, 26-28 Sep 2024.

‘Shaping Gastronomy: Regenerating Food Systems and Societies’ (plenum roundtable discussion), Josh Evans, International Society for Gastronomic Sciences and Studies (ISGSS) Congress, Bra & Turin, IT, 26-28 Sep 2024.

‘Holobiont Hand Taste’ (keynote talk), Josh Evans, ‘Holobionts Within: Renavigating Human-Microbe Relations in the Contemporary Lifeworld’ workshop, Stockholm University, Sweden, 19-20 Sep 2024.

‘Revisioning molecularisation: reorienting molecular approaches towards holobiotic ways of knowing microbes and beyond’ (conference talk), Tiff Mak and Josh Evans (in absentia), on panel ‘Knowledge politics in/through/with microbes’, Society for the Social Study of Science–European Association for the Study of Science and Technology joint conference (4S–EASST), Amsterdam, NL, 16 Jul 2024.

‘Exploring the potential of native Brazilian fruits for the production of novel low-alcohol fermented beverages’ (poster), Taís Suhre, Caroline Kothe and Jeverson Frazzon, FoodMicro conference, Burgos, Spain, 8-11 Jul 2024.

‘Insights into developing plant-based analogues: dairy vs soy curds’ (flash communication/invited talk), Caroline Kothe, FoodMicro conference, Burgos, Spain, 9 Jul 2024.

‘Design Terroir: An Eco-social, Relational, Bioregional Approach to Design’ (conference talk), Adrien Rigobello and Josh Evans (in absentia), Design Research Society conference 2024, Boston, USA, 27 Jun 2024.

‘Paradigms of sustainability, food innovation & food culture’ (conference talk), Eliot Beeby and Josh Evans (in absentia), Food & Culture Studies (FOCUS) Research Workshop, Aarhus University, Denmark, 23-24 May 2024.

‘Toward a public science of fermentation and the food microbiome’ (invited talk), Jamie Lorimer and Josh Evans, Microbial Futures Symposium, Aarhus University, Denmark, 20-23 May 2024.

Humanities feedback on project proposals (workshop facilitation), Josh Evans, START workshop: What can the humanities bring to interdisciplinary project teams?, Aarhus University, Denmark, 11 Dec 2023.

‘Innovation is Multiple: experimenting with culinary traditions for flavour, biodiversity, and sustainability’ (invited talk), Josh Evans, Science Hackathon, Basque Culinary Center, Donostia–San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa, Spain, 25 Nov 2023.

‘The potential of Kokumi peptides as a new taste enhancer in gastronomy’ (invited talk), Nabila Rodríguez Valéron with Pia Sörensen, Science & Cooking World Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 13 Nov 2023.

‘Experimental evolution of Penicillium strains and synthetic ecologies on plant-based matrices to explore cheese alternatives’ (talk), Caroline Kothe, Pia Sörensen’s Lab meeting, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA, 27 Oct 2023.

‘Experimental evolution of Penicillium strains and synthetic ecologies on plant-based matrices to explore cheese alternatives’ (talk), Caroline Kothe, Ben Wolfe’s Lab meeting, Tufts University, Boston, USA, 27 Oct 2023.

Shared our work for a visiting delegation from A*Star: Singaporean Agency for Science, Technology, and Research (talk), Kim Wejendorp, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, DTU, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark, 20 Oct 2023.

‘Rethinking in systems: developing boundary objects for the social studies of microbes’ (talk), Tiff Mak and Josh Evans (in absentia), Nordic Network for the Social Study of Microbes workshop, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 3 Oct 2023.

‘Science, Gastronomy, and Sustainability: Opportunities and Challenges for Food Fermentation Processes’ (talk), Caroline Kothe, Pia Sörensen’s Lab meeting, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA, 29 Sep 2023.

‘Science, Gastronomy, and Sustainability: Opportunities and Challenges for Food Fermentation Processes’ (talk), Caroline Kothe, ’Lunch and Learn’ event, Tufts University, Boston, USA, 26 Sep 2023.

‘Sustainable Food Innovation Group’ (poster), Caroline Kothe, Kim Wejendorp and Josh Evans, Annual Meeting, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, Helsingør, Denmark, 5 Sep 2023.

‘Soybean curd model: exploring plant-based cheese analogues’ (poster), Caroline Kothe, Benjamin Wolfe, Pia Sörensen and Josh Evans, Annual Meeting, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, DTU, Helsingør, Denmark, 4 Sep 2023.

‘Novel misos: opportunities for plant-based food innovation’ (poster), Caroline Kothe and Josh Evans, Annual Meeting, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, DTU, Helsingør, Denmark, 4 Sep 2023.

‘Science, Gastronomy, and Sustainability: Opportunities and Challenges for Food Fermentation Processes’ (invited talk), Caroline Kothe, Tuesday Science Seminar, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, DTU, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark, 20 Jun 2023.

‘Soil Ontologies - a Microbial Ecologist’s perspective’ (conference talk), Tiff Mak and Josh Evans (in absentia), on panel ‘Soil Repair: Recuperating Human-Soil Relationships’, Nordic STS Conference, Oslo, Norway, 9 Jun 2023.

‘Science, Gastronomy, and Sustainability: Opportunities and Challenges for Food Fermentation Processes’ (invited talk), Caroline Kothe, Microbial Foods Seminar, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, DTU, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark, 1 Jun 2023.

‘The Fermentation Fetish: Toward a Political Zymology’ (invited talk), Josh Evans with Jamie Lorimer, ‘Ecobiosocial complexities: encounters, critiques, integrations’ seminar series, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, 24 May 2023.

‘Translating Terroirs: Relational Design in Food Innovation’ (invited talk), Josh Evans, MA workshop on computational architecture, Royal Danish Academy of Architecture, Design, and Conservation, Copenhagen, Denmark, 10 May 2023.

‘Fermentation for Interdisciplinarity: Opportunities and Challenges’ (invited talk), Josh EvansLaboratory for Anthropology of Environment–Human Relations, Institute of European Ethnology, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, 24 Apr 2023.

‘Being Interesting, Becoming Interested: Aesthetic-ethical enmeshment in human–microbe relations in novel fermentation practices’ (selected talk), Josh Evans, ‘Human-Animal Relations: Beyond the Wild and Domesticated’ symposium, Aarhus University, Denmark, 21 Apr 2023.

‘Plant-based cheese analogues: insights about products on the market’ (poster), Caroline Kothe, MiFFI2023 conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 19-21 Apr 2023.

‘Multispecies Collaboration: is it possible?’ (keynote talk), Josh Evans, Nordic Network for the Social Study of Microbes workshop, Medical Museion, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 10 Jan 2023.

‘Consipience: Knowing Together by Tasting Together, Within and Across Species’ (conference talk), Josh Evans, on panel ‘Fermentation in the Age of the Anthropocene’, Society for the Social Study of Science conference (4S), Cholula, Mexico, online, 10 Dec 2022.

‘Poaching Alyssa Paredes’ ‘We Are Not Pests’’ (conference talk), Josh Evans, on panel ‘Poaching: The Promise of Multispecies Justice’, Society for the Social Study of Science conference (4S), Cholula, Mexico, online, 10 Dec 2022.

‘From Critiquing Science to Doing Science Differently: Stories from the Culinary Frontier’ (invited talk), Josh Evans, Tufts STS Seminar Series, Boston, USA, 2 Dec 2022.

‘Multispecies Gastronomy: considering nonhuman taste’ (conference talk), Josh Evans, Inaugural Symposium for the International Society for Gastronomic Sciences and Studies, University of Turin, Italy, 24 Sep 2022.

‘Projects & Strategies for Sustainable Food Innovation’ (conference talk), Josh Evans, on panel ‘Microbes & Enzymes for Food and AgTech’, Annual Meeting, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, DTU, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1 Sep 2022.

‘Sustainable Food Innovation’ (plenary talk), Josh Evans, Annual Meeting, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, DTU, Copenhagen, Denmark, 31 Aug 2022.

‘Living tonic from endive by-product’ (poster and food sample serving), Kim Wejendorp, Caroline Kothe and Josh Evans, Annual Meeting, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, DTU, Copenhagen, Denmark, 31 Aug 2022.

‘Plant-based cheeses: opportunities and challenges’ (poster and food sample serving), Caroline Kothe, Kim Wejendorp and Josh Evans, Annual Meeting, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, DTU, Copenhagen, Denmark, 31 Aug 2022.

‘Novel misos shape distinct microbial ecologies’ (poster), Caroline Kothe, Christian Carøe, Florent Mazel and Josh Evans, Annual Meeting, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, DTU, Copenhagen, Denmark, 31 Aug 2022.

‘Novel misos shape distinct microbial ecologies’ (poster), Caroline Kothe, Christian Carøe, Florent Mazel and Josh Evans, FoodMicro conference, Athens, Greece, 28-31 Aug 2022.

‘Translating Fermentations: for flavour, sustainability, and interdisciplinarity’ (invited plenary talk), Josh Evans, Copenhagen Bioscience Conference on Microbial Foods, Favrholm, Denmark, 8-12 May 2022.

‘Sustainable Food Innovation: making new flavours, shaping microbial life, improving the food system’ (invited talk), Josh Evans, Microbial Foods Seminar, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, DTU, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark, 24 Jan 2022.

‘Towards a Public Science of Fermentation and the Food Microbiome’ (conference talk), Josh Evans with Jamie Lorimer and Rob Dunn, on panel ‘From Social Science OF Science to Social Science WITH Science in Studying Food’, Society for the Social Study of Science conference (4S), Toronto, Canada, 8 Oct 2021.

Contributions & acknowledgements

The images are taken from our presentation slide decks.


Talks and podcast appearances

‘Sadan påvirker din frokost din adfærd [How your lunch affects your behaviour]’ (invited interview), Josh Evans in conversation with Professor Tom Gilbert on holobiont science, Verden Forsøgt Forklaret [The researched world, explained], Copenhagen, DK, 24 Oct 2024.

‘Making a Meal of It’ podcast (interview), Josh Evans, ‘Making a Meal of It’ Episode 110: ‘Fermentation’, 30 Apr 2024.

‘The Science and Art of Holobiont Hand Taste’ (invited talk), Josh Evans, ‘Tasting Holobionts: the power of microbes to create delicious sustainable foods’, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 24 Apr 2024.

‘Four alternative futures of regenerative agriculture’ (invited talk), Eliot Beeby, Food Futures Council, Institute for the Future, Palo Alto, USA, online, 12 Dec 2023.

‘Plant-based cheese: Science, Gastronomy, Sustainability’ (talk), Caroline Kothe, Presenting about plant-based cheeses for middle and high school science teachers, Boston, USA, 5 Nov 2023.

‘What is the connection between fermentation, flavour innovation, and biodiversity?’(invited talk), Josh Evans, Stanford Fermented Foods and Health Speaker Series, Stanford University, USA, online, 28 Mar 2023.

‘Opportunities and Challenges in Food Design and Innovation’(invited talk), Kim Wejendorp, REBBLS (Rising Entrepreneurs in Bio Business and Life Science) networking event, 9 Mar 2023.

‘Synthetic Ecologies Live’ (online panel), Josh Evans and Chiara de Leone, Twitch event hosted by Serpentine Galleries, London, UK, 7 Feb 2023.

Served sample of our plant cheese for 100 guests (food sample serving), Kim Wejendorp, UNITE2022, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, DTU, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark, 29 Aug 2022.

‘Translating Fermentations: flavour, microbiology, sustainability’ (invited talk), Josh Evans, Kojicon, online, 1 Mar 2022.

‘Novel Fermentations: making new flavours, generating new knowledge, improving the food system’ (invited talk), Josh Evans, Food on the Edge, Dublin, Ireland, 19 Oct 2021.

Articles and written media 

‘Interview with Taeko Hamada’ (interview), Taeko Hamada, Women in Gastronomy interview series, Basque Culinary Center, online, 28 Apr 2024.

Alumni Interview - Josh Evans ‘12  (interview), Josh Evans, Yale Sustainable Food Program website, 16 Nov 2023.

‘Miso in Space: Dinner can be a bit of a drag in microgravity. Is fermentation the secret for packing flavour on a mission to Mars?’ (magazine article), Caroline Kothe, Kim Wejendorp and Josh Evans, Article in Serviette Magazine issue 3, written by Danielle Groen, 15 Nov 2023.

‘Novel Misos’, ‘Kombuchas from Scratch’, ‘Fermented Endive Root Tonic Water’ (posters), Josh Evans and Caroline Kothe, Exhibition by collaborators entitled ‘Thinking with Fermentation’ at the Deutsches Museum, the world’s largest museum of science and technology, Munich, Germany, Jun-Aug 2023.

‘The Anthropocene Cookbook’ (work featured in book), Josh Evans, MIT Press, 2022.

‘A taste of the future at Food on the Edge’ (featured interview), Josh Evans, Featured in an article in the Irish Examiner by Darina Allen, 6 Nov 2021.

‘Why we should send miso – not billionaires – to space’ (interview), Josh Evans, Featured in an article in Canada’s National Observer by Marc Fawcett-Atkinson, 12 Jul 2021.

‘Is Kokumi the Next Taste Sensation?’ (interview), Josh Evans, Article in Wall Street Journal by Rob Dunn and Monica Sanchez, 17 Apr 2021.



‘Domestication Rewilded: a framework in eight dimensions for parsing domestication concepts across disciplines’ (conference talk), Josh Evans, on panel ‘Unfinished Business and Untold Stories: Digging into the Complexity of “Animal Domestication”’, Society for American Archaeology Conference, Denver, USA, 23-27 Apr 2025.


‘Flavour, Sustainability and Transdisciplinarity’ (invited talk), Josh Evans, L’Institut Paul Bocuse, Lyon, FR, 17 Oct 2024.

‘Holobiont Hand Taste: a transdisciplinary invitation’ (invited talk), Josh Evans, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, CZ, 7 Oct 2024.

‘Shaping Gastronomy: Regenerating Food Systems and Societies’ (plenum roundtable discussion), Josh Evans, International Society for Gastronomic Sciences and Studies (ISGSS) Congress, Bra & Turin, IT, 26-28 Sep 2024.

Holobiont Hand Taste (keynote talk), Josh Evans, ‘Holobionts Within: Renavigating Human-Microbe Relations in the Contemporary Lifeworld’ workshop, Stockholm University, Sweden, 19-20 Sep 2024.

‘Revisioning molecularisation: reorienting molecular approaches towards holobiotic ways of knowing microbes and beyond’ (conference talk), Tiff Mak and Josh Evans (in absentia), on panel ‘Knowledge politics in/through/with microbes’, Society for the Social Study of Science–European Association for the Study of Science and Technology joint conference (4S–EASST), Amsterdam, NL, 16 Jul 2024.

‘Exploring the potential of native Brazilian fruits for the production of novel low-alcohol fermented beverages’ (poster), Taís Suhre, Caroline Kothe and Jeverson Frazzon, FoodMicro conference, Burgos, Spain, 8-11 Jul 2024.

‘Insights into developing plant-based analogues: dairy vs soy curds’ (flash communication/invited talk), Caroline Kothe, FoodMicro conference, Burgos, Spain, 9 Jul 2024.

‘Design Terroir: An Eco-social, Relational, Bioregional Approach to Design’ (conference talk), Adrien Rigobello and Josh Evans (in absentia), Design Research Society conference 2024, Boston, USA, 27 Jun 2024.

‘Paradigms of sustainability, food innovation & food culture’ (conference talk), Eliot Beeby and Josh Evans (in absentia), Food & Culture Studies (FOCUS) Research Workshop, Aarhus University, Denmark, 23-24 May 2024.

‘Toward a public science of fermentation and the food microbiome’ (invited talk), Jamie Lorimer and Josh Evans, Microbial Futures Symposium, Aarhus University, Denmark, 20-23 May 2024.

Humanities feedback on project proposals (workshop facilitation), Josh Evans, START workshop: What can the humanities bring to interdisciplinary project teams?, Aarhus University, Denmark, 11 Dec 2023.

‘Innovation is Multiple: experimenting with culinary traditions for flavour, biodiversity, and sustainability’ (invited talk), Josh Evans, Science Hackathon, Basque Culinary Center, Donostia–San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa, Spain, 25 Nov 2023.

‘The potential of Kokumi peptides as a new taste enhancer in gastronomy’ (invited talk), Nabila Rodríguez Valéron with Pia Sörensen, Science & Cooking World Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 13 Nov 2023.

‘Experimental evolution of Penicillium strains and synthetic ecologies on plant-based matrices to explore cheese alternatives’ (talk), Caroline Kothe, Pia Sörensen’s Lab meeting, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA, 27 Oct 2023.

‘Experimental evolution of Penicillium strains and synthetic ecologies on plant-based matrices to explore cheese alternatives’ (talk), Caroline Kothe, Ben Wolfe’s Lab meeting, Tufts University, Boston, USA, 27 Oct 2023.

Shared our work for a visiting delegation from A*Star: Singaporean Agency for Science, Technology, and Research (talk), Kim Wejendorp, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, DTU, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark, 20 Oct 2023.

‘Rethinking in systems: developing boundary objects for the social studies of microbes’ (talk), Tiff Mak and Josh Evans (in absentia), Nordic Network for the Social Study of Microbes workshop, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 3 Oct 2023.

‘Science, Gastronomy, and Sustainability: Opportunities and Challenges for Food Fermentation Processes’ (talk), Caroline Kothe, Pia Sörensen’s Lab meeting, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA, 29 Sep 2023.

‘Science, Gastronomy, and Sustainability: Opportunities and Challenges for Food Fermentation Processes’ (talk), Caroline Kothe, ’Lunch and Learn’ event, Tufts University, Boston, USA, 26 Sep 2023.

Sustainable Food Innovation Group (poster), Caroline Kothe, Kim Wejendorp and Josh Evans, Annual Meeting, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, Helsingør, Denmark, 5 Sep 2023.

‘Soybean curd model: exploring plant-based cheese analogues’ (poster), Caroline Kothe, Benjamin Wolfe, Pia Sörensen and Josh Evans, Annual Meeting, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, DTU, Helsingør, Denmark, 4 Sep 2023.

‘Novel misos: opportunities for plant-based food innovation’ (poster), Caroline Kothe and Josh Evans, Annual Meeting, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, DTU, Helsingør, Denmark, 4 Sep 2023.

‘Science, Gastronomy, and Sustainability: Opportunities and Challenges for Food Fermentation Processes’ (invited talk), Caroline Kothe, Tuesday Science Seminar, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, DTU, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark, 20 Jun 2023.

‘Soil Ontologies - a Microbial Ecologist’s perspective’ (conference talk), Tiff Mak and Josh Evans (in absentia), on panel ‘Soil Repair: Recuperating Human-Soil Relationships’, Nordic STS Conference, Oslo, Norway, 9 Jun 2023.

‘Science, Gastronomy, and Sustainability: Opportunities and Challenges for Food Fermentation Processes’ (invited talk), Caroline Kothe, Microbial Foods Seminar, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, DTU, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark, 1 Jun 2023.

‘The Fermentation Fetish: Toward a Political Zymology’ (invited talk), Josh Evans with Jamie Lorimer, ‘Ecobiosocial complexities: encounters, critiques, integrations’ seminar series, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, 24 May 2023.

‘Translating Terroirs: Relational Design in Food Innovation’ (invited talk), Josh Evans, MA workshop on computational architecture, Royal Danish Academy of Architecture, Design, and Conservation, Copenhagen, Denmark, 10 May 2023.

‘Fermentation for Interdisciplinarity: Opportunities and Challenges’ (invited talk), Josh EvansLaboratory for Anthropology of Environment–Human Relations, Institute of European Ethnology, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, 24 Apr 2023.

‘Being Interesting, Becoming Interested: Aesthetic-ethical enmeshment in human–microbe relations in novel fermentation practices’ (selected talk), Josh Evans, ‘Human-Animal Relations: Beyond the Wild and Domesticated’ symposium, Aarhus University, Denmark, 21 Apr 2023.

‘Plant-based cheese analogues: insights about products on the market’ (poster), Caroline Kothe, MiFFI2023 Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 19-21 Apr 2023.

‘Multispecies Collaboration: is it possible?’ (keynote talk), Josh Evans, Nordic Network for the Social Study of Microbes workshop, Medical Museion, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 10 Jan 2023.

‘Consipience: Knowing Together by Tasting Together, Within and Across Species’ (conference talk), Josh Evans, on panel ‘Fermentation in the Age of the Anthropocene’, Society for the Social Study of Science (4S), Cholula, Mexico, online, 10 Dec 2022.

‘Poaching Alyssa Paredes’ ‘We Are Not Pests’’ (conference talk), Josh Evans, on panel ‘Poaching: The Promise of Multispecies Justice’, Society for the Social Study of Science (4S), Cholula, Mexico, online, 10 Dec 2022.

‘From Critiquing Science to Doing Science Differently: Stories from the Culinary Frontier’ (invited talk), Josh Evans, Tufts STS Seminar Series, Boston, USA, 2 Dec 2022.

‘Multispecies Gastronomy: considering nonhuman taste’ (conference talk), Josh Evans, Inaugural Symposium for the International Society for Gastronomic Sciences and Studies, University of Turin, Italy, 24 Sep 2022.

‘Projects & Strategies for Sustainable Food Innovation’ (conference talk), Josh Evans, on panel ‘Microbes & Enzymes for Food and AgTech’, Annual Meeting, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, DTU, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1 Sep 2022.

Sustainable Food Innovation (plenary talk), Josh Evans, Annual Meeting, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, DTU, Copenhagen, Denmark, 31 Aug 2022.

‘Living tonic from endive by-product’ (poster and food sample serving), Kim Wejendorp, Caroline Kothe and Josh Evans, Annual Meeting, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, DTU, Copenhagen, Denmark, 31 Aug 2022.

‘Plant-based cheeses: opportunities and challenges’ (poster and food sample serving), Caroline Kothe, Kim Wejendorp and Josh Evans, Annual Meeting, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, DTU, Copenhagen, Denmark, 31 Aug 2022.

‘Novel misos shape distinct microbial ecologies’ (poster), Caroline Kothe, Christian Carøe, Florent Mazel and Josh Evans, Annual Meeting, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, DTU, Copenhagen, Denmark, 31 Aug 2022.

‘Novel misos shape distinct microbial ecologies’ (poster), Caroline Kothe, Christian Carøe, Florent Mazel and Josh Evans, FoodMicro, Athens, Greece, 28-31 Aug 2022.

‘Translating Fermentations: for flavour, sustainability, and interdisciplinarity’ (invited plenary talk), Josh Evans, Copenhagen Bioscience Conference on Microbial Foods, Favrholm, Denmark, 8-12 May 2022.

‘Sustainable Food Innovation: making new flavours, shaping microbial life, improving the food system’ (invited talk), Josh Evans, Microbial Foods Seminar, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, DTU, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark, 24 Jan 2022.

‘Towards a Public Science of Fermentation and the Food Microbiome’ (conference talk), Josh Evans with Jamie Lorimer and Rob Dunn, on panel ‘From Social Science OF Science to Social Science WITH Science in Studying Food’, Society for the Social Study of Science (4S), Toronto, Canada, 8 Oct 2021.


Talks and podcast appearances

‘Sadan påvirker din frokost din adfærd [How your lunch affects your behaviour]’ (invited interview), Josh Evans in conversation with Professor Tom Gilbert on holobiont science, Verden Forsøgt Forklaret [The researched world, explained], Copenhagen, DK, 24 Oct 2024.

‘Making a Meal of It’ podcast (interview), Josh Evans, ‘Making a Meal of It’ Episode 110: ‘Fermentation’, 30 Apr 2024.

‘The Science and Art of Holobiont Hand Taste’ (invited talk), Josh Evans, ‘Tasting Holobionts: the power of microbes to create delicious sustainable foods’, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 24 Apr 2024.

‘Four alternative futures of regenerative agriculture’ (invited talk), Eliot Beeby, Food Futures Council, Institute for the Future, Palo Alto, USA, online, 12 Dec 2023.

‘Plant-based cheese: Science, Gastronomy, Sustainability’ (talk), Caroline Kothe, Presenting about plant-based cheeses for middle and high school science teachers, Boston, USA, 5 Nov 2023.

‘What is the connection between fermentation, flavour innovation, and biodiversity?’ (invited talk), Josh Evans, Stanford Fermented Foods and Health Speaker Series, Stanford University, USA, online, 28 Mar 2023.

‘Opportunities and Challenges in Food Design and Innovation’(invited talk), Kim Wejendorp, REBBLS (Rising Entrepreneurs in Bio Business and Life Science) networking event, 9 Mar 2023.

‘Synthetic Ecologies Live’ (online panel), Josh Evans and Chiara de Leone, Twitch event hosted by Serpentine Galleries, London, UK, 7 Feb 2023.

Served sample of our plant cheese for 100 guests (food sample serving), Kim Wejendorp, UNITE2022, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, DTU, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark, 29 Aug 2022.

‘Translating Fermentations: flavour, microbiology, sustainability’ (invited talk), Josh Evans, Kojicon, online, 1 Mar 2022.

‘Novel Fermentations: making new flavours, generating new knowledge, improving the food system’ (invited talk), Josh Evans, Food on the Edge, Dublin, Ireland, 19 Oct 2021.

Articles and written media 

‘Interview with Taeko Hamada’ (interview), Taeko Hamada, Women in Gastronomy interview series, Basque Culinary Center, online, 28 Apr 2024.

Alumni Interview - Josh Evans ‘12  (interview), Josh Evans, Yale Sustainable Food Program website, 16 Nov 2023.

‘Miso in Space: Dinner can be a bit of a drag in microgravity. Is fermentation the secret for packing flavour on a mission to Mars?’ (magazine article), Caroline Kothe, Kim Wejendorp and Josh Evans, Article in Serviette Magazine issue 3, written by Danielle Groen, 15 Nov 2023.

‘Novel Misos’, ‘Kombuchas from Scratch’, ‘Fermented Endive Root Tonic Water’ (posters), Josh Evans and Caroline Kothe, Exhibition by collaborators entitled ‘Thinking with Fermentation’ at the Deutsches Museum, the world’s largest museum of science and technology, Munich, Germany, Jun-Aug 2023.

‘The Anthropocene Cookbook’(work featured in book), Josh Evans, MIT Press, 2022.

‘A taste of the future at Food on the Edge’ (featured interview), Josh Evans, Featured in an article in the Irish Examiner by Darina Allen, 6 Nov 2021.

‘Why we should send miso – not billionaires – to space’ (interview), Josh Evans, Featured in an article in Canada’s National Observer by Marc Fawcett-Atkinson, 12 Jul 2021.

‘Is Kokumi the Next Taste Sensation?’ (interview), Josh Evans, Article in Wall Street Journal by Rob Dunn and Monica Sanchez, 17 Apr 2021.

Contributions & acknowledgements

The images are taken from our presentation slide decks.